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License Suspensions And Military Members: Navigating The Legal Process
A license suspension can negatively affect virtually any career, including a military career. Servicemembers in Virginia may lose the right to operate a range of military and civilian vehicles aft…
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Legal Defenses Against Eluding The Police Charges
Eluding the police is a serious offense that can carry significant penalties, including fines, jail time, and a permanent mark on your criminal record. If you find yourself facing charges of eludi…
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Military With A Felony: How Convictions Affect Military Service
Felony convictions can alter the lives of all Americans. However, military service members may face different challenges compared to average civilians after conviction. Soldiers often feel uncerta…
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Resources For Military Members Dealing With Moving Violations: Support And Guidance
Receiving a ticket for a moving violation can be a frustrating and humbling experience, especially as a member of the military. However, dealing with the aftermath of the ticket can be even more c…
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Suspension Of Driving Privileges: How It Affects Military Members Abroad
Driving is a privilege, but it is so common that many people consider it a right. This privilege comes with many responsibilities, and when you are a member of the military, it can be an even bigg…
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Military Speeding Tickets: What You Need To Know
Navigating the consequences of military speeding tickets can be a daunting task. However, understanding the implications of receiving a traffic violation while in the military can help service mem…
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How Military Personnel Can Contest An Alleged Traffic Violation: Legal Strategies
No one plans to get a traffic violation. Even with a minor offense, a traffic ticket can result in more than a mere inconvenience. Having a traffic ticket on one’s driving record can lead to steep …
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Online Traffic School Options For Military Personnel: Pros and Cons
Every member of the military goes through intense training, beginning with basic training and continuing through their career up the ranks. However, all of that training does not make military pers…
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DUI In The Military: Consequences and Legal Implications
Many military service members are frequently tasked with operating motor vehicles, vessels, and aircraft as part of their duties. When operating these machines, service members of the military must…
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Understanding Armed Forces Traffic Tickets Common Offenses and Consequences
Have a traffic ticket and need to take driver improvement? Take a look at our DMV-approved driving course. Click Here for our Online Driving Defense School Are you in the Ar…
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