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Illegal Parking Tickets

No one wants to find a parking ticket on their windshield when they return to their vehicle, but illegal parking tickets are common across Virginia. Many people believe they have no choice but to pay the ticket, but in some cases, an illegal parking ticket may be worth challenging in court. Deciding whether to pay or contest the ticket depends on the circumstances of the ticket. If you have questions about appealing an illegal parking ticket, you can learn more by contacting the experienced Virginia traffic attorneys of Driving Defense Law at (757) 929-0335.

When Should You Fight a Parking Ticket?

There are a few scenarios in which it makes sense to fight a parking ticket. Of course, the ticket should be contested if you can prove that you did not violate any parking laws. Here are some other common situations where a parking ticket should be disputed:

  • Illegibly written tickets
  • Missing or incorrect information on the ticket
  • A parking sign was missing, incorrect, or not visible
  • Citations for parking permit violations, even though the permit was correctly displayed
  • The vehicle was stolen
  • The parking meter malfunctioned
  • Overcharged or issued the wrong ticket for the alleged offense

How To Appeal a Parking Ticket

Individuals who receive illegal parking tickets that they believe are unfair may dispute the ticket by filing an appeal. Consider following these steps to appeal a parking ticket in Virginia:

  • Contact the ticket-issuing agency – First, lodge a complaint with the agency that issued the ticket. The agency will designate an investigator to inquire about the circumstances. At this point, one can either challenge the ticket through correspondence or in a face-to-face setting, but in-person challenges must be made within approximately 20 days of the ticket’s issue date. If the violation is successfully disputed, the ticket will be dismissed.
  • Administrative review – Should the investigator uphold the ticket, one may pursue an administrative review. This step precedes judicial review and involves formally registering a grievance with the local jurisdiction responsible for issuing the ticket. Attendance in person at the review office is often required. This process also requires extensive evidence, such as photographs and other relevant documents.
  • File an appeal – If the ticket is deemed valid during the administrative review, the next recourse is to file an appeal and request a court hearing. The matter will then be reviewed by a judge who will make an official ruling on the ticket’s validity.

Remember that parking ticket laws are not universal; they are subject to the vehicle codes of each state. This is why you should consider speaking with a Virginia traffic lawyer if you are contemplating      disputing your ticket. You can learn more about disputing illegal parking tickets by contacting the dedicated Virginia traffic lawyers of Driving Defense Law.

What Happens i     f You Ignore a Parking Ticket?

Ignoring a parking ticket can have serious legal and financial consequences, so these tickets should be paid or challenged as soon as possible.

Increased Fines

A parking ticket typically specifies      a designated fine owed to the local government for violating municipal parking regulations. Non-payment by the specified due date can result in an escalation of the initial fine due to late fees and collection charges.

Bench Warrants

In cases where parking tickets remain unpaid for extended periods, a local court may issue a notice requiring a court appearance to settle the outstanding balance. Continued non-compliance could escalate to the court issuing a bench warrant for arrest. When this happens, law enforcement officers may detain the individuals with unpaid tickets by identifying their vehicle license plate numbers. 

License Suspensions and Revocations

Unpaid parking tickets can culminate in the suspension of driving privileges. Operating a vehicle with a suspended license is a separate traffic violation and could result in the revocation of the license, which would then require a court petition to restore driving privileges. 

Vehicle Towing or Booting

Vehicles can be towed or “booted” for unpaid parking tickets. If this happens, police officers have the right to search the vehicle without a warrant.

Higher Insurance Premiums

Long-term non-payment of parking tickets can result in higher vehicle insurance premiums. Although most auto insurance companies do not adjust premiums based on non-moving violations like parking tickets, rates can increase due to suspended licenses or violations related to the failure to pay these tickets. 

Do Parking Tickets Show Up o     n Background Checks in Virginia?

A parking ticket is not a criminal offense, so it will not show up on a criminal background check. However, if the ticket is ignored and criminal charges are filed, those charges will show up on a background check. This could have potential long-term consequences, including difficulty finding employment and housing. 

Parking tickets and other traffic violations do show up on driving record background checks. This is especially relevant for positions that involve driving as a main job duty. For example, someone applying for a FedEx delivery driver position may have their driving record checked, and any traffic violations on their record could potentially affect their chances of getting the job. 

How Much Is an Illegal Parking Ticket in Virginia?

The fines for illegal parking vary depending on the specific offense and the jurisdiction where the ticket is issued. Here is an overview of the different fines in some of Virginia’s largest cities.

Norfolk Parking Ticket Fees

Parking fine amounts issued by the City of Norfolk include:

  • Blocking driveway – $50
  • Blocking fire lane – $150
  • No parking – $50
  • Parking in front of a fire hydrant – $150
  • Overtime parking at meter – $35
  • Parking off roadway – $50
  • Restricted city lot – $50
  • Taxi stand – $50
  • Handicapped parking – $300

Parking Violation Fees in Charlottesville

The City of Charlottesville issues the following fines for parking tickets:

  • Blocking driveway – $20 if paid within 96 hours, $40 after
  • Double parking – $20 within 96 hours, $40 after
  • Handicapped parking – $180 within 96 hours, $360 after
  • Parking more than 12 inches from the curb – $15 within 96 hours, $30 after
  • No parking at any time – $25 within 96 hours, $50 after

Learn More From Our Virginia Traffic Attorneys

If you have questions about illegal parking tickets or another matter related to traffic offenses in Virginia     , the dedicated Virginia traffic attorneys at Driving Defense Law are ready to help. Contact our firm today at (757)929-0335 to learn more in a free consultation.